documenting every worthy piece that I experience from day to day...food, travel, entertainment, and life itself...in 3 colors
Davao Trip 2011: Day 2 April 13, G.Mall
Mom had forced us (Bro.1 and Bro.2) out of our beds to go around the city and explore. And so we did. We rode a jeepney to which had a signboard of G.Mall (thinking okay we wouldn't get lost since it would be a mall right?) So here we are in the largest city in the south and we would rather go to a MALL! So there we were just wandering around…then we decided to watch RIO and had a brothers-sister-bonding. The movie was great but the cinema there is bad hahaha. We were scared to try something from the local so we ate at Mang Inasal instead (waaah!) and had Tutti Frutti for dessert. Mom was furious when she found out we just went malling hahaha (but it’s okay at least I had a good time with my brothers).
Fare: P8.00 (minimum)
Jeepney: G.Mall Signboard
We left for Davao on April 12th 2011. During the flight we were okay, not after we had some ferris-wheel-like experience and when we were about to land mom had some trouble, half of her head just around her right eye was aching maybe it was something to do with the cabin pressure…hmmm hope she’ll be okay next time.
Davao Trip 2011: Day 1, Arrival
Davao International Airport is very nice I have to say…We were so tired when we arrived around 7PM… and the good thing is that our hotel had a service (YAY! At least we don’t have to worry on how to get to our hotel) we stayed in Grand Regal Hotel. So of course hahaha nothing happened in our first day we just had to rest.
wait for my next post... ^_^
Last Saturday, we had our final exam in Japanese Class Module 1 (shimatta, 2 modules to go to finish Level 1 alone). When I got to see my exam I was shocked, the only thing that was written in English was the instructions (I was trying to calm myself down but it didn’t work). I had no problem with my Hiragana or Katakana, it was the sentence completion that I dreaded (adding particles and the verbs and stuff like that) It took me some time to get the hang of it and so I went on to answer the damn thing. .. the worse part “Okay please pass you papers minasan!”, Sensei.
Waaah! I’m not even finished yet; the fact is I think I still had a lot of unanswered items.
Shimatta! Tasukete kudasai! this can’t be!!! (Although passing the exam doesn’t matter since this is an extramural class, it matters to me.) This coming Saturday Sensei will give our certificates and then we’ll eat out on some Japanese Restaurant.